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natural deodorant 5 uses on your body by clean Kiss

5 Body Parts You Can Use Natural Deodorant to Stop the Smell

What Body Parts Can You Use Natural Deodorant Safely On?

Ever notice a little funk in places that cause you a lot of embarrassment such as in your cleavage, stomach rolls, or your stinky feet that never smell fresh?

It is very common to sweat in places you don't imagine such as your groin and you may also notice that groin sweat smells different too than in other areas of your body. And it does in fact because your sweat glands ARE different in terms of the secretions they emit as you sweat.

I encounter a lot of people that are pleasantly surprised to hear that natural deodorant is safe to use on body parts other than your armpits. In fact, we have shared here five body parts you can safely and confidently get rid of body odour without worrying that it doesn't belong in those places. 

In fact, this is one of the top questions I get about natural deodorant so I am happy to dispel the myths about safe deodorant usage here. 

Sweating is healthy. Clean Kiss natural skincare


It is the sweat that contains bacteria that causes the body odour.

It doesn't mean you are a stinky person but certainly some people seem to barely sweat at all while others sweat profusely.


clean Kiss natural deodorant for body odour protection


The smell of your sweat will also change depending on the time of the month in your menstrual cycle, what your diet consists of, and what body products you are using to help manage the odour.


Did you know that natural deodorant is 100% natural and safe that it can be used on other body parts and areas that may get sweaty and not so fresh smelling?


Remember this: sweating is healthy!!! You should do at least ONE thing to sweat every single day. This is why our natural deodorant is aluminum-free to allow your body to sweat out the toxins and release anything that isn't serving your body to be healthy. 

Sweating actually helps the body to regulate its temperature and to eliminate toxins. It is an entirely natural process and is also something outside of your control as it is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. 

Having said that, although sweating is natural and normal and encouraged, you don't want to smell. 

A little swipe of natural deodorant in these five body areas can protect you from body odour and from embarrassment or stress from worrying about how you smell.

Here are our Top 5 Body Parts to use natural deodorant:

1. Underarms. 💪

The most obvious of course. But even here you need to make sure you only apply it to clean underarms, never to shave immediately prior to application (ouch!), and use enough (a generous pea-size) that you cover a good amount of your pores that release sweat.

2. Feet. 🦶🏾

A-ha! True story. If you happen to suffer from stinky little piggies then just swipe a little on the underneath of a clean foot before putting your sock on. The reason your feet smell is because of the same bacteria in your sweat that causes underarm stench. 

3. Boobs. 🍈🍈

The creases between your cleavage and below them can create quite a stir of activity. Sweaty bacterial activity that is. Again, just swipe some Clean Kiss deodorant in any area that needs it and gently rub it in. It's perfectly safe, toxin-free, aluminum-free, and vegan too! 

In fact, our deodorant and all of our plant-based skincare products are free of harmful ingredients such as the "Dirty Dozen" as categorized by the EWG

We are also proud to say that while most of our natural cream deodorant customers are women, this is also a great natural deodorant for men to use too! With ten different scents, including baking soda free and unscented, there is something for every body in your house.  

Antiperspirant vs deodorant for your health

4. Booty. 🍑

Your booty also gets a little sweaty during exercise, yoga, summer heat or stress sweat. You can safely apply the deodorant in any creases or folds between the cheeks or under them :)

Benefits of using natural deodorant


5. Groin. 👖

Your undercarriage. The thunder down under. If your groin area tends to get a tad sweaty and foul then you can safely swipe onto your inner thigh/groin area but only on the external skin, never apply it internally to your genitals. Just on the surrounding external skin areas.   

So there you have it folks, all the places you maybe never considered that it is safe and healthy to use your natural deodorant to control body odour. 

You've also learned that it is healthy to sweat and it's your body's way of detoxing, so let it out and get out there and sweat everyday!

Its so easy to use a natural cream deodorant

Here are some of our favourite ways to sweat!

  • Hot Yoga
  • Cardio exercise (spin class & bootcamp)
  • Weight training
  • Running
  • Walking briskly

What are your favourite ways to sweat? 

All the ways you can sweat and be protected with natural deodorant

You don't have to be self-conscious of body odour or smelling badly 👃🏿ever again in all the parts of your gorgeous body. 

Customer testimonials about clean, vegan, natural deodorant



Read this next: Natural Deodorant 101 and Myths Debunked

Natural deodorant 101: Detoxing and Other Myths


About the Author, Jodie Pappas ~  Founder, Clean Kiss:

If you want more Pro-Aging Tips for Women Over 40, Jodie can help you. Jodie is a Plant-Based Skincare Formulator, Founder of Clean Kiss,  a Published Author, a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200), and soon to be a Certified Aesthetics Nutrition Practitioner (CNAP). Jodie has seen first-hand how a healthy, balanced lifestyle contributes to healthy aging, and happy skin and hair in midlife. 

Struggling with hormonal skin issues? Not sure what to eat to help your skin out? Strange rashes, eczema, psoriasis, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation? Not sure what the best natural skincare products for mature woman are or how to create your own natural skincare regimen that really works? That's where I can help.  

Learn more about Clean Kiss. 

Clean Kiss makes natural, clean skincare for women over 40 that promotes pro-aging beauty and radical acceptance of the beautiful aging process, in mid-life.

Clean Kiss was founded by Family Natural Health Expert, Jodie Pappas, out of her own personal quest to find natural products for herself and her family that ACTUALLY worked. After first creating her signature natural deodorant, she went on to produce a full line of 100% plant based skincare and body products. 

Hypoallergenic, Cruelty-free, Vegan, No Petroleum-based ingredients, No Parabens, No Silicone, No Phthalates, No Toxins, No Fragrance, No Alcohol, No Plastic.

Each product is created in small batches using chemical-free formulations that have been recognized with several awards, has developed a loyal customer base of Clean Kissers, and has gained some international media attention by Business Insider, InStyle Magazine, The Toronto Sun, Breakfast TV Toronto, CHCH Hamilton, Global TV and more!

Before you sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter for more of our great, educational and fun content! 

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