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Clean Kiss Lifestyle

Why Pooping Every 3 Days Is Common but Not Normal—and How to Fix It Naturally

Why Pooping Every 3 Days Is Common but Not Normal—and How to Fix It Naturally

Many people assume that having a bowel movement every few days is “normal” because it’s common. However, infrequent elimination is a sign that your digestive system isn’t functioning optimally. Ideally, you should have at least one bowel movement daily to ensure your body is efficiently removing waste and toxins. This is especially true for women in their menopausal years (pre, perimenopausal & postmenopausal) because many women are already struggling with hormonal weight gain, changing body composition, fatigue, sleep disruption and more. So adding bloating from not having a regular poop is not a good thing at this stage of life! 

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Banish Your Bloat: Why "Food Baby" Bloating Should Not Be Ignored

Banish Your Bloat: Why "Food Baby" Bloating Should Not Be Ignored

A "food baby" or bloated stomach after eating is not only frustrating, it is also sometimes painful and embarrassing. While it might seem harmless, it can sometimes signal underlying digestive issues. Persistent or recurring bloating can be a red flag for various gastrointestinal conditions.

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Why Your Skin Feels Drier in Menopause – And How to Fix It

Why Your Skin Feels Drier in Menopause – And How to Fix It

As we age, many of us begin to notice changes in our skin. For women in menopause, one of the most common concerns is dry, thinning, or dull skin. If you’re experiencing these shifts, you’re not alone—skin dryness during menopause is a natural occurrence, though it can be frustrating. But why does this happen, and what can you do to combat it? Let’s dive into the causes and solutions for menopausal dry skin.

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18 Things You Must Do in 2018 to Detox Your Life - Clean Kiss

Revamp Your Life: 18 Detox Tips from an Expert

Detox, detox, detox. September is the new January. And it is also a great time to revamp your life and find ways to detox. When I think of detoxifying, as I am here with these 18 suggestions I've listed below, I am thinking very holistically in terms of your body and your mind. Because let's face it. You can't be healthy if you don't look after the whole package!  1. Dry Brush daily before your shower to stimulate your lymphatic system and to keep your body healthy and reduce toxins that cause inflammation. 2. Use a detoxifier for your face too such as our Superfoods Detox Face Clay Mask that rids your pores of the everyday toxins, product buildup and pore blockers. This is a detox from the outside that cleanses and will make your face say thank you.   3. Try Coconut Oil Pulling at night time or first thing in the morning before brushing your teeth.  It detoxes your mouth which is the main hub to keep your body healthy and free of illness.   4. Add a squeeze of lemon into warm water each morning to kick start your digestion and detox your liver. It helps to detoxify your system and also helps with acne and skin issues.   5. Write Your Vision Board for what you want to accomplish and stay the course. Make it visible on a white board, a chalk board, a high poster board right where you will see it often.   6. Say NO to what doesn't serve you. Try this "Thanks for understanding" without any apologies, guilt or giving in. Try it in emails and verbally whenever you are in a sticky situation and really know and want to just say No. We often feel guilty and end up saying yes and then get angry with the outcome.   7. Read food labels. Know what is in the food you are eating and always opt for fresh, whole, unpackaged foods whenever possible that don't require a label!  8. Read product labels especially personal care products you are applying that go directly into your bloodstream such as anti-perspirants and lotions.  Go for natural products for your hair, face, body and home. Few and simple ingredients is key here.    9. Technology Detox. My goal is to put my phone down at 9pm every night and not look at it again until morning.  I used to have a very bad habit of looking at it and surfing the net looking for ideas and reading articles right up until I close my eyes each night.  The blue light is known to disrupt sleep and even though I don't often have issues with sleep I know it is harmful.    10. Get more fresh air.  Make a point of going for a walk even if for 20 minutes to fill your lungs with all the freshness and goodness that nature offers.   11. Detox your mind with meditation.  While you're out taking that walk, why not make it a walking meditation.  Another option is to do your meditation each morning before you start your work day. That way you get it in while life is calm and peaceful. 12. Scale down your daily to do list and refocus on what really matters. Its funny how when we have a tragedy such as a family emergency, death or illness we can reprioritize and focus on what really matters very quickly and easily.   13. Declutter your home, bedroom, bathroom, office, kitchen. And I mean really be ruthless and purge whatever you aren't using. Bag it up and get rid of it!  14. Clean out your closet and donate the clothes to the homeless or to a charity.  Like most people we have way too much and doing a closet clean in January is very therapeutic to add the new stuff and clean out the old.  15. Reset your expectations of what your life should look like. What is it based on? something you saw on tv or read in a book or on what your best friends life is all about?  Do what is right and works for you to find happiness.   16. Say goodbye and smell ya later to any relationships that aren't serving you any longer. Ever heard of the phrase "A reason, a season, or a lifetime"? I believe all relationships and people we meet fall into this framework.  People come into your lives when they are meant to and often they leave them also when the time has come. Don't fight it or try to keep something fitting into a space that doesn't make sense any longer.   17. Detox your medicine cabinet and toiletries to get rid of anything that contains harmful chemicals and ingredients that will wreak havoc with your hormones and health.   18. Clean out your computer files and physical paper files of bank, insurance, receipts, and anything you can either scan and shred or delete old files you don't need any longer.   I hope you will find these suggestions helpful and help you to detox all areas of your life that are chaotic, overcrowded, noisy and complicated.  The whole idea is for your life and environment to bring you more pleasure and joy than stress.    About Clean Kiss  We create 100% Natural Canadian small-batch, natural skincare products for the Health Conscious.  Our products are simple and pure for your body, face, hair and home. We are 100% Vegan, GMO free, Gluten Free (and free of all unnecessary garbage!) and Leaping Bunny Certified (meaning we never test on animals and neither do our suppliers).  

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cellulite body image natural bodycare body products firming toning dry brushing

Cellulite and Lifestyle Tips that will Help You Feel More Confident

Let's Talk Cellulite, Ladies.It's that stuff that many of us, around 90% of women in fact, wish we didn't have and curse ourselves profusely when bathing suit and shorts season comes around and we have to face the dreaded truth of the dimpled cellulite on our thighs. But really, if 90% of us has it then why are we still so embarrassed by it? Research shows that cellulite is caused by genetics and hormones that affects our connective tissues. Often times it bears no reflection on how much we exercise, how clean or poorly we eat, how long we sit, or even our body fat. There are many pictures you can find online of very, very fit women with abs of steel and cellulite on their behinds. C'est la vie. Embrace it, don't hide it, it's life! We women are so hard on ourselves.

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Top Acne Prevention & Healing Tips from a Holistic Nutritionist

Top Acne Prevention & Healing Tips from a Holistic Nutritionist

I love helping women get healthy skin through holistic wellness. I have spent the past 10 years extensively studying how to help women get healthy, glowing skin. This can all be achieved using natural, plant-based ingredients in natural skincare products that are tailored for acne-prone skin, as well as the role that holistic nutrition, stress and sleep plays when it comes to the skin.  I am a Certified Nutrition Practitioner (CNP) in Holistic Nutrition, Certified Nutritional Aesthetics Practitioner (CNAP) and a Certified Organic Skincare formulator. So what right?! In other words, I take a holistic view of the skin and look at both what you put ON the skin as well as what goes IN the body. 

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Why We Need Strength and Serenity in Menopause: My Tips for Thriving

Why We Need Strength and Serenity in Menopause: My Tips for Thriving

Menopause is a significant transition in a woman's life, bringing about various physical and emotional changes. But it doesn't have to be daunting. Menopause is associated with a natural decline in estrogen, that increases visceral fat mass, decreases bone mass density, muscle mass, and strength. (Source: PubMed) By focusing on nutrition, movement, stress management, avoiding toxins, and sleep, you can navigate this phase with strength and serenity.

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Hormones a hot mess? Ditch yoyo dieting and do this instead.

Hormones a hot mess? Ditch yoyo dieting and do this instead.

As women enter their midlife years, hormonal changes can bring about a variety of physical and emotional challenges. These changes can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, leading to symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and more. Instead of relying solely on quick fixes or extreme diets, a holistic approach to hormonal balance can make a world of difference. In this blog post, we'll explore several key aspects of maintaining hormonal balance for midlife women, including using non-toxic skincare products, eating whole foods, intuitive daily movement, getting enough sleep, managing stress, exercising in line with the menstrual cycle, and most importantly fostering a stronger mind-body connection.

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5 Natural health tips to be the heroine of your own menopause story

5 Natural health tips to be the heroine of your own menopause story

It is no secret that the hormonal changes we go through in midlife, also known as (peri)menopause, can wreak havoc on your skin and body, not to mention your mental health.   There is one thing that "the experts" (medical doctors, alternative/holistic practitioners, menopause educators) all agree on. That is that you can be doing things proactively to minimize the impacts of your dropping estrogen levels and to make your experience more pleasant.  Keep reading to find out the 5 Natural Health Tips to ease your menopause transition so that you can (hopefully) have a positive experience, instead of the horror stories we all hear about from friends and the media. 

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